31SRW- Day 3

Ok. Day 3 in the 31-day photo challenge that Shelley over at Quaint Revival has set before us. The topic is clouds. I could post cloud photos every day for a couple of months so I’m all over this one. I’ll try to keep it reined in…

Clouds do weird and wonderful things. Apparently they get extra weird when they don’t realize you can see them. I was on a plane when I saw these.


I love it when they do this bubble thing. I know there’s a scientific name for it. I’m too lazy to look it up.


This is from the top of the St. Roberts tramway in Juneau, Alaska. Totally cool and weird at the same time.

Alaska- Juneau

Then there’s that time when they just want to be alone.


And other times when they want to play with our minds. Sorry for the crappy photo. I probably should’ve gotten out of the truck to take this photo. Of a cloud. That looks like pants.


Sometimes they want to come down and have a closer look at us.

Alberta/BC, Canada

(For all those times that I posted photos of the Canadian Rockies and called it BC instead of Alberta- I apologize. I’m not sure where the border is exactly. I know part of it runs along  the Rockies, so I’ve sort of made Alberta and BC interchangeable. Please don’t send any hate mail. 🙂 )

This is not fog. It’s clouds. Wow!

Three Valleys BC

Sometimes they’re angry and you wish they’d go away.

sky- storm

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