CMMC- Silver or Gold

Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge: Silver or Gold

Folks seemed to be interested in my ice photos, so I thought I’d share some more for this challenge. In an ice storm, everything looks like silver or crystal. Trees sparkle, the ice sparkles and a cloudy sky gives a silver tone to everything.

An example of what the ice can do to trees.

Ice on a Crape Myrtle
The ice didn’t seem to bother the cardinals and woodpeckers.
The hedge was incredible. It looked like it was covered in silver jewels.
A Pine tree.

This poor pine tree was brutalized by the ice. You can see how one side is much worse than the other. Below you can see how big the limb was that broke.

The dogs, a Doberman and an Irish Setter. They each had two jackets on while outside. The Dobe would pull his off within minutes. He’d reach back, grab it and pull it over his head without disturbing a strap or buckle. It wasn’t because he was too hot. He’d do it with just one jacket, or even a sheet (a thin insulating jacket). He just didn’t like wearing them. Dobes don’t have heavy coats so he really needed one while he was outside.

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